High Quality Carbon Drawdown Credits

Grassroots Carbon provides carbon drawdown credits that represent the removal and storage of atmospheric carbon in healthy soil.  All credits are generated according to strict compliance with carbon standards, independent third party verification and based on 3ft deep soil sampling

grassland and soil

Rigorous, scientifically robust standards generate high-quality soil carbon credits.

Our credits represent atmospheric carbon removal or drawdown. We do not provide voided emission credits.

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Measurement Backed

All Grassroots Carbon projects are backed up with measure-to-measure, 3-foot-deep soil core samples to determine the soil carbon stock increase. Sampling occurs every 5 years. In other years, we use approved scientific models to determine the soil carbon increase. However, sampling and analysis are used to true-up any modeled soil carbon storage results.

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Our projects, soil sampling, soil lab analysis, supporting data, and reports undergo rigorous independent third-party verification. We fully comply with the standard before every credit issuance.

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All carbon credits are fully compliant with the rigorous standard of the Regenerative Standard , ensuring high-quality.

1 carbon credit = 1 metric ton of atmospheric carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) removed from the atmosphere and stored in soil, in full compliance with the carbon standards used.

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Our carbon drawdown credits represent the additional removal of atmospheric carbon dioxide on the basis of implementation of additional or new regenerative land management practices that go beyond established land management practices.

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Our carbon drawdown credits are based on increased soil carbon storage. This soil carbon storage is maintained for a storage term in full compliance with the standard and secured through ongoing monitoring and programmatic mechanisms, including an insurance buffer pool of credits.

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Uniquely Claimed:

Our Carbon credits are issued and accounted for by the independent registries: Nature’s Registry. When you purchase carbon credits from Grassroots Carbon, you will receive full ownership of that credit from creation of the carbon credit through its retirement.

Grassroots Carbon Projects

The following table represents carbon credits generated, verified, issued, and retired to specified years by Grassroots Carbon Public Benefit LLC (Grassroots) since the launch of Grassroots' ongoing regenerative grazing project in 2021. These totals do not include pre-verified, pre-certified, or pre-registered carbon credits not yet delivered and/or other future carbon credit agreements. This disclosure, per California's AB 1305 Carbon Credit Disclosure guidance, will be periodically updated as new carbon credits are generated, verified, issued, and retired and allocated to specific years.

Project Name
Crediting Type
Protocol / Methodology
Starting Year
Carbon Credits in Tonnes (tCO2e)
Grassroots Carbon North American Regenerative Grazing Project
Regenerative Standard SOC Version 1.1